Job Board

Interested in working at Parlor City Sound? We’re always on the lookout for aspiring writers, music journalists, content writers, web developers, photographers, and anyone else looking to contribute to our local and regional music scenes.

Unfortunately. we’re only looking for volunteers. Parlor City Sound isn’t generating a ton of revenue. Our content comes free of charge to anyone and everyone interested in reading it, now and always. All of our expenses are paid out of pocket—it’s a labor of love, and as much as we’d love to pay everyone on our tiny team, we simply can’t.

If we do start making money, we hope to pay our bills, pay our team, and then use revenue to expand our website, in that exact order. Until then, everyone working with Parlor City Sound is an unpaid volunteer.

If you’re okay with that, and you still want to chip in, great! We’d love to have you with us!

Basic Requirements

  • You must be at least 18 years old to work with Parlor City Sound in any capacity. We may rarely make exceptions if you’re a younger volunteer, but only if we get to chat with your parents/ legal guardians first so they fully understand how you’d be contributing
  • This is, for now anyway, an entirely unpaid gig. When the site starts generating revenue, we have every intention of paying our volunteers for their contributions
  • You need to have your own desktop or laptop computer and an internet connection. We work from home and don’t have a central office space (though we do have occasional, entirely optional in-person team meetings)
  • You’re responsible for your own tickets, cover charges, album purchases, and travel expenses. Again, we don’t have money. If we get these things for free ever, we give them out to the writers best suited for the content, usually based on location and activity

Current Openings

Here are all of our current openings at Parlor City Sound:

Apply here!

Did you read all of that? Are you still interested in helping us start a ragtag team of volunteer writers? Rad! Fill out this form below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

  • Your first and last name as you'd like it to appear on your byline. We don't accept screen names here ... sorry Fruitninjalvr69
  • We don't need your actual address. We just want to know what area you're generally located in and what area would be on your beat. If not in the United States, please include your country too.
  • Please check all that apply. You must choose at least one. You don't have to pick more than one, but you can if you want.
  • Let us know why you'd like to write for Parlor City Sound. We'd also love to hear about your favorite genres, your writing experience, etc.