Category Guides

Helpful hints, tips, and tutorials that aid musicians in pursuing their music careers.

How to Find Band Members and Get the Best Results

Let's find out how to find band members in your area, and learn the tried and true methods of enlisting other musicians to your sonic cause.

Trying to form a new band can be challenging at times. Especially given the fact that none of us really knows how to find band members without a bit of guidance. It’s not really something everyone can just guess their…

What is a Stage Snake? Here is Why They’re Useful

What is a stage snake? Are they useful in a home recording studio? We're going to discuss that and more!

While learning about DIY home recording, you’re going to encounter the phrase stage snake (or stage box, or audio snake … they all mean the same thing). And hearing about them will likely stir up a fairly obvious question. What…

How to Clean Cymbals and Make them Vibrant Again

Ready to learn how to clean cymbals? Parlor City Sound has you covered! Let's go over cleaning cymbals as well as polishing them.

Figuring out how to clean cymbals can get pretty nerve-racking. Your cymbals are expensive—we’re talking hundreds of dollars each. So this isn’t exactly the time or the place for trial and error. The last thing you want to do while…