Category Q&A

Questions and answers related to music from readers, social media, and from around the web at large.

How to Clean Cymbals and Make them Vibrant Again

Ready to learn how to clean cymbals? Parlor City Sound has you covered! Let's go over cleaning cymbals as well as polishing them.

Figuring out how to clean cymbals can get pretty nerve-racking. Your cymbals are expensive—we’re talking hundreds of dollars each. So this isn’t exactly the time or the place for trial and error. The last thing you want to do while…

Are music store credit cards worth it?

Are music store credit cards worth it? They can definitely help you get expensive equipment sooner, but only if you're responsible with them

Yes, music store credit cards are worth it … so long as you can afford the minimum monthly payments and you’re confident you won’t miss any. It can even help your credit score grow, so long as you remain responsible…

What’s an ideal humidity level for musical instruments?

Managing the humidity level for musical instruments isn't as challenging as it might seem

The ideal humidity level for musical instruments is 40% to 50%. For electronics, like guitar amps or home studio recording equipment, you have a broader acceptable range of 30% to 70%. Keeping humidity levels nominal protects your instruments from all…